District Council of Yankalilla, SA, Australia
1300 368 9921300 368 992

If you have an undesexed family cat, surprise litter or have adopted a stray, we’ve got pawsome news for you! 🙌
Thanks to District Council of Yankalilla and Yankalilla Veterinary Clinic, you can get your cat desexed for just $50! 🎉

📞 Call NDN on 1300 368 992 to secure your desexing voucher NOW! ⌚️

🏠Available to District Council of Yankalilla Residents only
✔️Eligibility criteria: Pension / Concession cardholders, Low Incomes, Adopting a Stray 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱
💲 Available while funding lasts

Male Cat
Female Cat