A free cat desexing and microchipping program is now available. Must be resident in the council area. Conditions and eligibility criteria apply.
Available only while council funding lasts.
Phone the National Desexing Network on 1300 368 992.
A free cat desexing and microchipping program is now available. Must be resident in the council area. Conditions and eligibility criteria apply.
Available only while council funding lasts.
Phone the National Desexing Network on 1300 368 992.
I dont own the cat but i used to her at the park dhring night and I have witnessed that she got pregnant twice already but I dont where the litters are.
Can i bring these two lovely cat for desexing? I am afraid they will get pregnant again as there several male cats also roaming around at night.
Hi Jackie
Sorry for the delay in responding to your message.
Are you a Kentish Council resident? If yes, please give us a call on 1300 368 992 and we can organise a couple of vouchers for you to help out these strays.
Regards NDN team