NDN Council Cooperative Desexing Program
For interested Councils
Many Councils are now recognising the benefits of NDN Cooperative Desexing Programs to prevent unwanted cats and dogs
Benefits include:
- reduced Council costs – it is cheaper to provide desexing subsidies than to collect, hold and euthanize or rehome unwanted cats and dogs
- reduced euthanasia rates
- greater compliance with laws requiring desexing e.g. City of Gold Coast has been participating in the NDN Cooperative Desexing Program since 2010 to support a requirement in their local laws for all kittens to be desexed prior to sale or transfer
- community support for a positive proactive approach to animal management
- easy implementation – NDN organises and runs the program for Councils
Councils offering NDN Cooperative Desexing Programs include:
- Alpine Shire Council VIC
- Ballarat City Council VIC
- Baw Baw Shire Council VIC
- Bendigo City Council VIC
- Casey City Council VIC
- Central Coast Council NSW
- Charles Sturt City Council SA
- Copper Coast Council SA
- Elliston District Council SA
- Gawler City Council SA
- Golden Plains Shire Council VIC
- Hornsby Shire Council NSW
- Kentish Council TAS
- King Island Council TAS
- Latrobe Council TAS
- Mount Barker District Council SA
- Murray Bridge Council SA
- Muswellbrook Shire Council NSW
- Peterborough District Council SA
- Port Lincoln City Council SA
- Port Pirie Regional Council SA
- Salisbury City Council SA
- Scenic Rim Rural Council QLD
- Swan Hill Rural City Council VIC
- Wakefield Regional Council SA
- Waratah-Wynyard Council TAS
- Yankalilla District Council SA
These Councils budget a set amount each year to NDN to provide ongoing desexing subsidies for residents in need.
If you are a Council Officer involved in animal management and interested in finding out more about this program or currently offering desexing subsidies, please complete the form below: (Please note: If you are a member of the public seeking help to desex your cat or dog, go to the NDN Directory and search in your suburb, town or surrounding areas here, OR fill out our Contact Us form here, OR phone 1300 368 992.)