NDN’s National Desexing Month 

National Desexing Month is in July. We hope your clinic can participate by offering our suggested reduced desexing rates or your own special offer, preferably to all pet owners for this special month, but if not, at least to pension/concession card holders.

You should receive in the mail in mid-June the 2021 glossy NDM Poster to promote National Desexing Month in your clinic.  Included will be a Participation Form to be returned or completed on-line by 21th June. Alternatively you can find the participation form here (attach link). Posters and social media banners and promotional materials can be found here (attach link).

A customisable media release can be downloaded here and promotional resources such as posters and social media assets can be found here.

We look forward to your participation in National Desexing Month. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.